Abdul Karim(1*), Nur Fitri Mardhotillah(2), Muhammad Iqbal Samadi(3)

(1) Muhamamdiyah University of Cirebon
(2) Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon
(3) UNIKL-Royal College of Medicine, Perak, Malaysia
(*) Corresponding Author


Although numerous styles have been utilized to study leadership focusing on task, role, work, managerial, spiritual and ethical, however there is no agreement on the ethnic style. The debate over this issue as related to the study of ethical leadership transforms into ethnic, especially natural roles of Indonesian’s leaders. In this paper two major approaches phenomenology and ethnography are examined to gaining the theory and the latter is presented the natural roles of ethnic leaders. This study proofs that (1) the concept of ethnic leadership is the ability to spread the belief, value, culture, and norm of ancestry. Also, (2) natural roles of ethnic leaders are transcendent, endogen and reflection of roles.


Manager’s Roles; Ethical Leadership; Ethnic Style

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