A Critical Look at The Mechanism for Challenge of Arbitrators Under ICSID Convention and Arbitration Rules

Ivan Gautama(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Administered arbitrations under ICSID are amongst the most-utilized means to resolve investor-state disputes. Part of why it is so is because the ICSID as an institution is heavily affiliated with the World Bank. This affiliation serves as a double-edged sword in ICSID’s hands: while on one side such affiliation lends ICSID the credibility any successful arbitral institutions need, on the other side ties between the two institutions are proving to become too close for comfort. This paper explores what could go and has gone wrong in the past within the current ICSID arbitration system with regards to the mechanism for challenging arbitrator(s), and whether such mechanism allows ICSID to effectively deliver what it is expected to provide.


ICSID, investor-state, World Bank, arbitration, challenge, arbitrator, conflict of interest

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