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Heat Stress in Poultry_Introduction


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Heat Stress in Poultry_Introduction

  1. 1. Heat Stress
  2. 2. Heat Stress Definition What is heat stress? – It is a condition that occurs when an animal is exposed to above optimal temperatures and humidity. What is its impact? – Heat stress generally changes a bird’s physiology and places stress on many systems thereby causing decreased performance, possible welfare concerns, and even increased mortality.
  3. 3. Normal Figures › Normal broiler body temperature is 41 C. › Optimum growing temperature is 21 to 24 C. › Heat stress can be elicited by conditions such as high temperature and high humidity depending on age.
  4. 4. Heat Stress Cost › A decade ago it was estimated that heat stress costs the broiler industry 128 million dollars annually.
  5. 5. Chickens Cooling Mechanisms
  6. 6. Chickens Cooling Mechanisms › Chickens have cooling mechanisms that allow them to survive at above optimal temperatures.
  7. 7. Cont. … › There are two main methods that chickens use: 1. Non-evaporative cooling › It occurs via convection. › It is enhanced by air movement in the house 2. Evaporative cooling › It occurs through the evaporation of water from the lungs. › It is enhanced by low humidity and increased respiratory rates. › Increased respiration rate results in carbon dioxide loss and acid-base balance alterations.
  8. 8. Cont. … › When ambient temperature is lower than body temperature; – Non-evaporative cooling is more efficient than evaporative cooling and is therefore the first line of defense. › When ambient temperature rises to near body temperature; 1. Non evaporative cooling becomes ineffective 2. Evaporative cooling becomes necessary. 3. Respiration rate will increase thereby initiating a higher rate of evaporative cooling.
  9. 9. Cont. … › When both ambient temperature and relative humidity rise, – The problem will be complicated, since evaporative cooling rate is inversely related to humidity.
  10. 10. Impacts of Heat Stress
  11. 11. Impact of Heat Stress Where are the impacts result from? – When temperatures exceed the effective range for non- evaporative cooling, the way that chickens cool themselves (increase in respiration rate will initiate a higher rate of evaporative cooling) causes certain physiological changes that further complicate the issue.
  12. 12. Cont. … 1. Alkalosis – Evaporative cooling is accomplished by increasing the respiratory rate also known as panting, and this can lead to respiratory alkalosis. – Respiratory alkalosis is a medical condition in which increased respiration elevates the blood pH beyond the normal range (7.35- 7.45) with a concurrent reduction in arterial levels of carbon dioxide 2. Electrolyte imbalance – Acid-base imbalance has been shown to cause electrolyte imbalance and increased electrolyte excretion, mainly K+ and Na+
  13. 13. Cont. … › Acid-base imbalance and the resulting electrolyte imbalance, caused by heat-induced panting, may play a big part in the; 1. Decreased performance 2. Altered meat quality 3. Increased mortality
  14. 14. Overcoming Impacts of Heat Stress
  15. 15. Overcoming Impacts of Heat Stress Some supplements may help birds overcoming impacts of heat stress; 1. Electrolyte supplements 2. Non-electrolytes supplements
  16. 16. 1- Electrolytes Supplements Benefits of supplementing electrolytes to heat stressed birds via feed or drinking water 1. Increase performance 2. Decrease mortality 3. Improve acid-base balance
  17. 17. Cont. … Side effects of adding extra electrolytes to heat stressed birds 1. Increase excreta moisture 2. Increase litter wetness, a known cause of foot pad dermatitis in turkeys.
  18. 18. 2- Non-Electrolytes Supplements Adding non-electrolyte feed additives › Many studies have shown benefits from the inclusion of non- electrolyte feed additives in broiler diets, such as betaine, which is a non-ionic organic osmolyte. › This molecule has also been shown to improve the performance of heat stressed broilers, but unlike electrolytes it has not been shown to increase litter wetness.

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