Nurhardjanto Adi Nugroho(1*), Samsudin -(2), Viktor Malau(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


       This research was aimed to know the influence of carbureting on the T-14 cross flow turbine blades against the change of their micro structure and erosion resistance.  The tested material of the blades was the St-37 low carbon steel.

       The heat treatment in use were carbureting and quenching.  The used carbureter media was 192 grams of charcoal, 66.5 grams of Sodium Carnate (Na2CO3) and 8 grams of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3).  The specimens were heated on a charcoal stove at 900oC in 3 hours and later on it was cooled down in 24 hours of outside temperature.   Some of the carbureted specimens were quenched at 30oC, increased to 900oC in 90 minutes, stayed on the same temperature of  900 oC in 30 minutes and then they were rapidly cooled  down  in water (H2O) media. A strech test  was carried on an erosion test machine using  the IPAL Sewon manufacturing water sprayer containing 28 mg/l, 83 mg/l, 815 mg/l of TSS  of which  water spraying  velocity was 10.33 m/s in 40 hours.

       The results showed  an increase the surface hardness of  the carbureted blades of 131% and of the carbureted quenched blades of 332%, compared with  the raw material of blades with hardness of 122.26 kg/mm2.  The  hardness of carbureted blades were  283 kg/mm2,  that of the carbureted quenched blades were 528 kg/mm2.   It was evident that the carbureted turbin blade and  the carbureted quenched blades had  no erosion influence ,  the erosion rate = 0.000 gram/minute. Specimens made of raw material, the  largest erosion rate = 7.5x10-6 gram/ minute in sprayed with IPAL Sewon manufacturing water containing 815 mg/l of TSS and for the specimens normalized at 600oC, the largest erosion rate = 9.16x10-6 gram/minute in the sprayed with the IPAL Sewon manufacturing water containing  28 mg/l of TSS.

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