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Yunanda, Rizki, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Yunus, Andi Yudha, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Director of the Political Party Center, Pejuang Republik Indonesia University, Makassar (Indonesia)
Yusgiantoro, Purnomo, Doctoral Program of Defense Science, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Yusharyani Puluhulawa, Fitrah, Department of Communication Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Yusuf, Dede (Indonesia)
Yusuf, Iwan Awaluddin, Universitas Islam Indonesia (Indonesia)
Yusuf, M., Department of Government Studies, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Yusuf, M., Department of Government Studies, Universitas Jambi (Indonesia)


Zuhdan, Muhammad (Indonesia)

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