Euis Komala Restiawati, Achmad Rudijanto Viera Wardhani(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: The role of hospital leader is key for the
successful implementation of KARS version 2012 accreditation
which puts patient safety as the focus of hospital management.
Aim: This study aimed to explore the understanding and
responses of hospital leades toward hospital accreditation
Method: This was a qualitative research design using case
study. Data were gathered through 1) semi structural
questionnaire interview of Hospital Director, Nursing Chief and
Coordinator of Care Services (3 informants); 2). direct
observation at medical services activities, patient transfer,
Medical Support Services, patient’s identity writing and patients
identification on treatment; and 3) data obtained from minutes
of meeting, Standard Operational Procedure, policy, patient’s
document related with standard implementation of hospital
Result: Accreditation preparation at this hospital used a top
down approach with limited dissemination. Director’s
understanding limited to the purposes, scoring method and
assessed chapter, meanwhile the Nursing Chief only mentioned
the quality improvement purposes and care, and Coordinator
of care stated quality improvement accreditation. The leader
has not built a structured planned for overall hospital activity,
but only reactive responses. In the service level there is only
a minor change found. For example writing patient identity
differs in each unit, hand washing practice has no proper
standard operational procedure, and hand washing facility
was not available in every patient bed.
Conclusion: There is a gap of understanding and responses
on accreditation due to unstructured preparation. Responses
were only on hand washing aspect and personal identity.
There is still no written policy on implementation of KARS 2012
Keywords: accreditation, hospital leader, understanding and
responses, KARS 2012 accreditation
successful implementation of KARS version 2012 accreditation
which puts patient safety as the focus of hospital management.
Aim: This study aimed to explore the understanding and
responses of hospital leades toward hospital accreditation
Method: This was a qualitative research design using case
study. Data were gathered through 1) semi structural
questionnaire interview of Hospital Director, Nursing Chief and
Coordinator of Care Services (3 informants); 2). direct
observation at medical services activities, patient transfer,
Medical Support Services, patient’s identity writing and patients
identification on treatment; and 3) data obtained from minutes
of meeting, Standard Operational Procedure, policy, patient’s
document related with standard implementation of hospital
Result: Accreditation preparation at this hospital used a top
down approach with limited dissemination. Director’s
understanding limited to the purposes, scoring method and
assessed chapter, meanwhile the Nursing Chief only mentioned
the quality improvement purposes and care, and Coordinator
of care stated quality improvement accreditation. The leader
has not built a structured planned for overall hospital activity,
but only reactive responses. In the service level there is only
a minor change found. For example writing patient identity
differs in each unit, hand washing practice has no proper
standard operational procedure, and hand washing facility
was not available in every patient bed.
Conclusion: There is a gap of understanding and responses
on accreditation due to unstructured preparation. Responses
were only on hand washing aspect and personal identity.
There is still no written policy on implementation of KARS 2012
Keywords: accreditation, hospital leader, understanding and
responses, KARS 2012 accreditation
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