Misnaniarti Misnaniarti(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: One strategy to achieve Healthy Indonesia is
alert village program as stipulated in Decree of the Minister of
Health number 564/Menkes/SK/VIII/2006. The observation
through document review of Ogan Ilir health profile in year
2007, environment-based morbidity is still high at 7.011 cases
of diarrhea, 30 cases of dengue fever, 68 cases of clinical
malaria and 11.637 cases of upper respiratory infections and
295 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. It showed that there're
still health problems that need to be handled by both government
and society.
Objective: Objective of this research was to develop
recommendations of alert village development based on local
resources in Ogan Ilir district.
Methods: This was an observational study with quantitative
and qualitative approaches. The data was collected in Ogan
Ilir Health Office, all Health Centers in the working area of
Ogan Ilir, and 40 villages that have become the pilot of alert
village program in Ogan Ilir.
Results: Development of alert villages in Ogan Ilir still top
down, and the establishment of alert villages have not been
fully utilizing the potency of various community based health
Conclusion: The community empowerment still needs to be
improved so that local community can dig their own potential
resources. The local government and health centers only as
Keywords: alert village, community based health activities,
community empowerment.
alert village program as stipulated in Decree of the Minister of
Health number 564/Menkes/SK/VIII/2006. The observation
through document review of Ogan Ilir health profile in year
2007, environment-based morbidity is still high at 7.011 cases
of diarrhea, 30 cases of dengue fever, 68 cases of clinical
malaria and 11.637 cases of upper respiratory infections and
295 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. It showed that there're
still health problems that need to be handled by both government
and society.
Objective: Objective of this research was to develop
recommendations of alert village development based on local
resources in Ogan Ilir district.
Methods: This was an observational study with quantitative
and qualitative approaches. The data was collected in Ogan
Ilir Health Office, all Health Centers in the working area of
Ogan Ilir, and 40 villages that have become the pilot of alert
village program in Ogan Ilir.
Results: Development of alert villages in Ogan Ilir still top
down, and the establishment of alert villages have not been
fully utilizing the potency of various community based health
Conclusion: The community empowerment still needs to be
improved so that local community can dig their own potential
resources. The local government and health centers only as
Keywords: alert village, community based health activities,
community empowerment.
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