Shofan Ardianto(1*), Mubasysyir Hasanbasri(2), A Tudiono(3)

(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Community participation can be based on a spirit
of mutual trust and mutual assistance. Health services in rural
and remote areas may survive if they are based on social
networks and become part of community life. Conversely, poor
access to services happen if he only relies on the efforts of
the parties in reaching out to community health facilities. Cooperation
between the public and management of health facilities
could build a community that is the key to the success of
community based health services. Motorcycle can also serve
as an alternative income. Although the fund concerned, the
practice is voluntary and not burdensome. An important factor
of community health services is openness between primary
health care facilities with community organizations.This study
aims to assess the referral on a motorcycle as a social networking
community in the health services.
Method: This study is a case study that tries to show a
pattern of social networks in community based health services.
The subjects of this study is the Nipah Pustu officers,
officials of polindes Setangi and Malaka, motorcycles and the
people who use taxi services in the referral. The collection of
data were carried out with in-depth interviews and observation.
Result: This study shows that informal motorbike ambulance
which grows in the community can help increase visits to health
facilities. Acceptance of the motorcycle by the public and
health professionals make an impact on the economic conditions
of transportation service providers. Wide availability
throughout the hamlet, 24-hour service, low cost, helps in
taking care of patients’ health card are the unique features for
which many people use motorcycle service. Also important
is that motorcycles are also used by the clinic staff for delivery
of examination materials and referral of patients.
Conclusion: Motorcycle ambulance is an important community-
based resources that facilitate access to health care facility
in villages in remote areas.
Keywords: two-wheeled bicycle ambulance, community participation,
community based health services in remote.


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