Hakikat Dan Nuansa Ketahanan Sosial Masyarakat Banyumas Dalam Lensa Reproduksi Sosial


Shinta - Prastyanti(1*)

(1) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
(*) Corresponding Author


The Covid-19 epidemic requires strengthening community resilience to adapt to changing social situations. The research aims to find out the nature and nuances of the dynamics of social resilience in the Banyumas community through changes in priorities that occur in society, especially those related to education, through the lens of social reproduction.

A literature study is employed to answer research questions by analysis of diverse related publications conducted by conceptual approach. The study examined social conditions as the research problem's context, the connectedness across social mobility and schooling, shifts in household educational expenditures, gaps caused by social mobility, and the education system as a whole under the domination of dominant ideas.

The study's findings indicate that shifting the focus of household expenditure onto schooling as a social reproduction mechanism fails to always result in the predicted vertical social mobility and keeps the poorer segments of society in their place, but it is more helpful for the middle class by optimizing resources and access, and circumstances exacerbate socioeconomic disparities, which could risk the dynamics of social resilience in society.


Community Resilience; Social Reproduction

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