in Flood Disaster Management: An Innovation in Collaborative Governance-based Early Warning System in Indonesia

Hisyam Yusril Hidayat(1*)

(1) Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The flood disaster has become one of the most damaging hydro-meteorological disasters which recorded a loss of Rp30 trillion in Indonesia. The flood disaster early warning system is one of the most important parts of the disaster management process which can reduce the possibility of losses that can occur. The mandate of the existing regulation emphasizes that in the disaster early warning system it needs to involve various parties from public and nonpublic actors collaboratively. The manifestation of the mandate is which was initiated by the Yayasan Peta Bencana and involved elements of government, universities, mass media, donor agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the community. This study analyzed the collaborative process of public and nonpublic actors through collaborative governance frameworks. This study included descriptive qualitative research with post-positivist paradigm and uses in-depth interview methods and directed content approach. Based on the findings, it is illustrated that the process of collaboration has been formed between the public and nonpublic actors. In terms of collaboration process, there is lack of transparency in management especially in finance issue. The findings also revealed that the socialization process of in community and educational entities still in effective and the roles of government role can be enforced. However, there is lack of role from the private sector which can contribute to make better. This study still has limitation include the amount of informant of various elements from university, mass media, and community, in this study just use directed content approach to describe the perspectives of them in terms of collaboration process.



Collaborative Governance, Early Warning System,

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Kusumasari, B. (2012). The Resource-Based Theory and Disaster Management: Implication for Local Government in Managing a Disaster. JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan Dan Administrasi Publik), Vol. 16, pp. 79–96.

Meechaiya, C., Wilkinson, E., Lovell, E., Brown, S., & Budimir, M. (2019). The Governance of Nepal’s Flood Early Warning System Opprotunities Under Federalism. London: Meechaiya, C., Wilkinson, E., Lovell, E., Brown, S., & Budimir, M. (2019). Inovasi BNPB Raih Penghargaan PBB, Gerakan Indonesia Melayani Bergaung di Azerbaijan.

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Rahayu, A., Y., S., & J. (2018). Birokrasi dan Governance Teori, Konsep dan Aplikasinya. Depok: Rajagrafindo.

Salomo, R., V., & Rahayu, A., Y., S. (n.d.). Manajemen Pelayanan Publik. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka.

Saptawan, A., & Yustian, I. (2019). Actor Networking in Forest Fires Mitigation, Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan Dan Administrasi Publik), 23(2), 92–108.

Spirakis, G., Spiraki, C., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2010). The impact of electronic government on democracy: E-democracy through e-participation. Electronic Government, 7(1), 75–88.

Ulum, M. C. (2013). Governance and Capacity Building of Handling the Flood Issues in Bojonegoro Municipality, Indonesia i Mochamad. 1, 80.

UNDP. (2018). Five Approaches to Build Functional EWS. Genewa. UNDP.

UNEP. (2012). Early Warning Systems A State of the Art Analysis and Future Directions. In Environmental Development (Vol. 4).

Widyanarko, P. A. (2018). The use of social media and open data in promoting civic co-management: Case of Jakarta. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 158(1).


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