The Challenges of Enhancing Participation in Urban Community Empowerment (The Case of Community Empowerment Program for Villages (PPMK) Implementation in 4 Villages in Jakarta)

Ahmad Anshori(1*), Irfan Ridwan Maksum(2), Linda Darmajanti(3)
(1) University of Indonesia
(2) University of Indonesia
(3) University of Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Characteristics of DKI Jakarta as Indonesian capital with a rich diversity of people from various social, cultural, and economic backgrounds, have challenging implication for participatory community empowerment. This is proven by low participation level in community affairs in the province. This research aims to assess factors responsible for low participation in community empowerment in urban areas and identify measures to improve it. The research was based on a qualitative methods in the Village Community Empowerment Program (PPMK) implemented in KampungRawa, Kalibaru, and Tanjung Duren Melawai in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. The selection of the administrative villages was based on Social Insecurity Potential Index (IPKS) which portrays an overview of urban social structure. Research results showed that low participation in community affairs is attributable to the normative nature of participation, non-compliance of targeted groups in certain areas, lack of information, weak public institutions (Village Consultative Council/LMK), lack of adequate support from local leaders (Chief of Neighborhood Association (RT) and Chief of Community Association (RW)), and absence of management training programs. Moreover, low participation is exacerbated by low public awareness about the environment. Thus, efforts that can be undertaken include enhancing the role of the Government, implementing e-governance by RT and RW neighborhood heads as the driving force and representatives of the community.
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