Acknowledgement for Reviewers 2023


We are delighted to introduce our reviewers of the year, whose invaluable contributions have significantly enriched the quality and rigor of the manuscripts published in Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science). Their dedication and expertise have played a pivotal role in maintaining the high standards of our journal.

We believe that their expertise and commitment to excellence exemplify the collaborative spirit that defines our journal. As a community, we extend our gratitude to these individuals for their dedication and hard work. Also, our top five reviewers for the year 2023 are indicated in the list with an asterisk.


Aktavia Herawati

Amalia Tetrani Sakya

Bambang Pujiasmanto*

Benito Heru Purwanto

Cahyo Wulandari

Cecep Hidayat

Dewi Firnia

Edi Santosa

Endang Sulistyaningsih

Endang Yuniastuti

Evy Latifah

Herni Shintiavira

Ida Rumia Manurung

Kartika Noerwijati


Lily Ishak

Made Sri Sumarniasih*

Mandana Mirbakhsh*

Muhammad Saifur Rohman


Nono Carsono*

Rani Agustina Wulandari

Sholeh Avivi

Syahrul Kurniawan

Syaiful Anwar

Valentina Dwi Suci Handayani

Wanti Mindari

Widya Kristiyanti Putri

Wilda Lumban Tobing