Ranggapati Siswara Dewantoro(1*), Riani Rachmawati Sobri(2), Muhammad Irfan Syaebani(3)
(1) Universitas Indonesia (2) Universitas Indonesia (3) Universitas Indonesia (*) Corresponding Author
This research examines the determinants of employees’ attitude toward union membership. These factors are represented by job-related predictor such as; employees’ job dissatisfaction, job stress, and consultative managerial style. Apart from these job-related predictor variables, the cultural orientation played a role in this research such as; individualism and collectivism both horizontal and vertical. After performing resgression testing, the result shows that almost all variables are affecting employees’s attitude toward union membership except horizontal collectivism variable.
work dissatisfaction, work stress, consultative managerial style, individualism, collectivism, employees’ attitude toward union membership