Basu Swastha Dharmmesta(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Customer loyalty of a specific brand, also called brand loyalty, is expected to
get more academic attention from scholars to investigate. This article describes and
analyses the concept of brand loyalty to the extent to which attitudinal and
behavioural approaches and structures become the loyalty domain. The structure of
loyalty shows elements comprising cognition, affect, conation, and action. These
elements reflect loyalty categories. Techniques of loyalty measurement such as brand
choice sequence, proportion of purchase, brand preference, brand commitment,
loyalty scale, and acceptance/rejection ratio are also elaborated. Customer
satisfaction is not disregarded in the analysis since it closely relates to the concept of
brand loyalty.


loyalitas, kognisi, afek, konasi, tindakan, sikap, niat, pembelian ulang, kesukaan.

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