Ukuran dan bentuk dada penduduk di dataran tinggi Samigaluh dan dataran rendah Galur Kulon Progo Yogyakarta

Janatin Hastuti(1*)

(1) Bagian Anatomi, Embriologi dan Antropologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Background:High altitude plain has unique environmental stress that is different fromlowaltitude land. People
residing at high altitude have specific anatomical and physiological adaptation,which accommodate capacity to
work in that environment.Chest size and shape are some of anatomical characteristics that influenced by high
altitude environment.
Objective: The aims of this research are to investigate chest size and shape of people living in Samigaluh
highland and Galur lowland, and to find whether there are significant differences between both populations.
Methods: Investigationwas conducted in 1275 people that consisted of 618 people living in Samigaluh highland
and 657 people living in Galur lowland. The samples were classified by place, sex, and age group. They were
measured on stature, chestwidth, depth, and circumference during inspiration, normal, and expiration. The index
calculated was chest index and chest circumference index. Statistical analysis used was student t-test to find
out differences in chest size and indexes between both populations and chi square test to detect differences in
index distribution.
Result: The results showthat Samigaluhmen and women have smaller chest circumferences and chest index
thanGalur people.There are no differences in chestwidth in both populations, however,Samigaluh people have
relatively greater chest depth. Based on chest index, Samigaluh people are dominated bymediumchest shape.
According to chest circumference index, both male populations mostly have average chest shape, whereas
male populations commonly have broad chest.
Conclusions: In summary, there are several differences in chest size and shape of people living in Samigaluh
highland and Galur lowland. Samigaluh people have smaller chest width and circumferences; on the contrary,
they have greater chest depth in compare toGalur people.Moreover, people in Samigaluh havemore rounded
chest than that of people inGalur.

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