Desain replika tulang zygomaticum menggunakan software PowerSHAPE dengan metode combine the grooves section
Sabta N Zainuri(1*), Agung W Purwo(2), P Paryana(3)
(2) Fakultas Teknik Mesin Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta
(3) Fakultas TeknikMesin Universitas IslamIndonesia, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Until recently, medical students still use dead human organs as the object of anatomy study and research.
Cadaver is chosen as themainmaterial in anatomy practice because it has a better condition than other ‘models’
due to its detail structure and shape. Some problems coming up are the limitation of cadaver supply since the
donor is limited, long dicsection process and the need of specific skill, and the use of formalin that endangers
health.Technology has brought solutions in developing replica as cadaver replacement for the sake of education
and in replacing bone replica with common print method that still has many weaknesses. Rapid technology
developmentmay replicate human bonewith detail shape approaching the real shape. This study aims to design
zygomaticumbone replica with high thourougness so that the design result fits the real shape of zygomaticum
bone. Thewriter tries to applymanufacture technology to design the replica of zygomaticumbone as a learning
model.PowerSHAPEis used to design the bone shape and combined the grooves sectionmethod is used to get
the best replica design by using model master cutting with CNC (computer numerical controle) milling type
engravingRolandMDX-20.Digital camera 4,0megapixel is used to take section pictures of eachmodel.
The result of zygomaticumbone design with software power SHAPE is good enough so that it can be printed to
be themodel of zygomaticumbone in the real shape.But, because the bone shape is very complex and has some
cavities,CNC5-axesmachine is needed.
Cadaver is chosen as themainmaterial in anatomy practice because it has a better condition than other ‘models’
due to its detail structure and shape. Some problems coming up are the limitation of cadaver supply since the
donor is limited, long dicsection process and the need of specific skill, and the use of formalin that endangers
health.Technology has brought solutions in developing replica as cadaver replacement for the sake of education
and in replacing bone replica with common print method that still has many weaknesses. Rapid technology
developmentmay replicate human bonewith detail shape approaching the real shape. This study aims to design
zygomaticumbone replica with high thourougness so that the design result fits the real shape of zygomaticum
bone. Thewriter tries to applymanufacture technology to design the replica of zygomaticumbone as a learning
model.PowerSHAPEis used to design the bone shape and combined the grooves sectionmethod is used to get
the best replica design by using model master cutting with CNC (computer numerical controle) milling type
engravingRolandMDX-20.Digital camera 4,0megapixel is used to take section pictures of eachmodel.
The result of zygomaticumbone design with software power SHAPE is good enough so that it can be printed to
be themodel of zygomaticumbone in the real shape.But, because the bone shape is very complex and has some
cavities,CNC5-axesmachine is needed.
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