Endang Purbowati(1*), Agung Purnomoadi(2)

(1) Faculty of Animal Agriculture Diponegoro University, Semarang
(2) Faculty of Animal Agriculture Diponegoro University, Semarang
(*) Corresponding Author


The previous experiment showed that soybean sauce industry by product could
be given to lambs up to 15% concentrate, without negative effect on the sheep’s
performance, physiology, and carcass production The present study was aiming to
investigate the effect of soybean sauce industry by product on the sheep
performance at higher level (45%) supplementation. The study was also aiming to
minimizing feed cost through the utilization of soybean sauce industry by product in
concentrates. A completely Randomized design was applied in this experiment.
Twenty sheep aged nine months old and weighed 14.31 '1; 2.45 kg were used. The
sheep were raised on individual pen and were divided randomly into four groups of
treatments. The treatments were, (T0) Concentrate without soybean sauce industry
by product; (T 1, T2 and T3) Concentrate containing 15%, 30% and 45% soybean
sauce industry by product respectively. Concentrate composed of rice bran, coconut
cake and minerals. The ration was formulated based on Ranjhan (1981).
Concentrate was given 70% of the total DM requirement, while field grass and water
were allowed ad libitum. This experiment showed supplementation of soybean
sauce industry by product in concentrate up to 45% give a significantly increase the
DMI and cnrde protein intake, daily gain and feed conversion. From the highest,
DM intake was in orderly found in Tl (927.45 g), T3 (878.54 8), T2 (798.64 g), and
T0 (711.18 g). The CP intake were T0 (85.53 g), Tl (121.11 g), T2 (104.97 g) and
T3 (120.20 g). TDN intake among the treatments was not sigrrificantly different (T 0
= 393.66 g, Tl = 500.67 g, T2 = 378.28 g and T3 = 484.98 g). The highest daily
gain was found in T1 (64.25 g) followed by T3 (51.01 g), T2 (40.58 g) and T0
(17.39 g). The utilization of soybean sauce industry by product in concentrate can
improve feed conversion as shown by Tl (14.57), T2 (21.98) and T3 (22.43) that
better than T0 (47.48). The most promising economically calculated based on feed
cost per gain was T1 (1l129.34 Rp/kg), followed by T3 (1l978.24 Rp/kg), T2
(13405.37 Rp/kg) and T0 (28845.89 Rp/kg). It can be concluded that the
supplementation of 15% soybean sauce industry by product in concentrate for
fattening sheep improved feed consumption, daily gain and feed conversion. This
supplement is also shown the most economics.


Soybean sauce industry by product, Productive performance, Local sheep

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