Winny Swastike(1*), Ali Agus(2)
(1) Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta , Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
This trial was done to evaluate the effect of feeding level and quality on performances of growing female sheep. Ten animals with initial body weight of 14.5 1- 0.8 kg and aged between 4 — 5 months were separated into 2 (two) groups (group of treatment and group of control) and each group consisted of l0 heads and kept for 7 months of feeding trial. Group of treatment (Gl) received a natural grass and concentrate and added with peanut straw, while control group (G0) received a natural grass and concentrate. Crude Protein (CP) and Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) content of feed given to the group of treatment was higher (CP: 11% and TDN 76%) than the group of control (CP:10% and TDN 69%). Data collected was of nutrient intake (DM, CP, TDN) and body weight gain. Data obtained were analyzed using analysis T-test. Data on nutrient intake was significantly higher in Gl than G0 respectively for DM 1 75.9 1 2.22 g/1<g°~’-‘/6 vs 53.09 1 3.1 g/kg0’75/d; for c1> ; 2.61 1 0.25 g/kg0'75/d vs 5.37 1 0.34 g/kg0’75/day) and for TDN ; 56.20 it 1.6 g/kg0’75/d vs 36.26 i 2.6 g/kg0’75 <1). Result on body weight gain at the end of the trial was significantly higher (P<0.0l) in G1 than G0 (25.8 vs 14.9 kg) with the average of daily body weight gain was of 52.8 g/head/day compared to 2.2 g/head/day. From this trial, it can be concluded that growing female sheep offered a better quality and level of feeding during 7 months of feeding treatment had a
significant effect on body weight gain and resulted the better growing performances.
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