Economic Analysis and the Impact of AI Technology on Buffalo to the Farmers’ Income

S. Rusdiana(1*), L. Praharani(2)

(1) Livestock Research Institute Ciawi-Bogor Bogor, PO.Box.221
(2) Livestock Research Institute Ciawi-Bogor Bogor, PO.Box.221
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic impact of technology Arti cial Insemination (AI) buffaloes on the income of farmers, research survey done in 2014, in West Lombok West Nusa Tenggara province Indonesia. Research is done in 4 (four) Sub district namely: district of Kediri, Uripan, Gerung and Kuripan, in one district, against 48 farmers who income AI and 32 farmers who have not received AI. The primary data obtained directly interview results either individually or in groups, refers to a questionnaire that had been prepared, secondary data obtained from the relevant authorities, research data were analyzed using descriptive, economic analysis and statistics t test (t-test). The pro ts of farmers who got the AI about IDR.13,43 million, the average ownership of buffaloes around 1.15 heads/farmers, the value of B/C 1.4, bene t farmers who have not gotten around IDR.12.94 million AI/farmers, the average ownership of buffaloes around 1.18 heads/farmers, the value of B/C 1.3 of the t test showed signi cantly different hypotheses, the value of t-test known at 13.43 and 12.94, it indicates P<0.05 means business ownership buffalo 1.15 to 1.18 heads/farmers have a positive impact on farmers who received AI compared with farmers who have not received AI buffaloes, buffaloes sale value AI is the highest result. 


economic analysis, the impact of AI buffaloes, farmers’ income

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