The Use of Vaginal Smear Method Based on the Morphology of the Vaginal Mucosa Epithelial Cells for the Dairy Cows Cycle Estrus Detection

J. Riyanto(1*), Sunarto Sunarto(2), S. D. Widyawati(3), Lutojo Lutojo(4)

(1) Animal Husbandry Department of Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University at Surakarta, Indonesia
(2) Animal Husbandry Department of Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University at Surakarta, Indonesia
(3) Animal Husbandry Department of Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University at Surakarta, Indonesia
(4) Animal Husbandry Department of Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University at Surakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to identify the estrus cycle in dairy cows based on epithelial cell morphology appearance vagine produced by vagine smear vagine mucosal cells. The research was use of Fries Holstein crossbred cow as many as 21 head. All cows were synchronized use PGF2α and GnRH hormone by injected intra muscular injection PGF2 α injection carried out twice with an interval of 11 days and on day 13 injection of GnRH by intra musculair (IM). Epithelial cells were taken using the cotton bud then reviewed on an object glass. The vagine smear results were stained with Giemsa 3%. Vagine epithelial cells was observed using a microscope magni cation 10x45 and 10x100. Estrus detection is also implemented using the heat detector Draminski brands. The results showed that (1) the cells are round and oval has a larger cell than the cell cytoplasm called parabasal on metesrus phase, (2) epithelial cells and small oval-shaped and slightly irregular, but there is still a cell wall and has a large nucleus called intermediate cells during diestrus, (3) the cell's nucleus irregularly shaped (polygonal) but still the cell nucleus and cell wall faded and most of corni cation of epithelial cells called super cial cells are found during proestrus, (3) cell-shaped at, translucent and transparent and does not contain a cell nucleus and cell wall occurs corni cation classi ed as anuclear cells occurs in estrus phase. When estrus number of super cial cells corni cation reaches 90.57 to 94.19%. of all cells obtained in the observations.Detection results using the heat detector at the time proestrous and estrous showed a low the numbers of 175-240 whereas the currently metestrous and diestrous between 350-500. The conclusion of this study was vagine smear method using 3% Giemsa there parabasal cells, intermediate. super cial, and anuclear during the estrous cycle. The use of vaginal The Pap method can be used for detection of estrus cycle in dairy cows. 


vaginal smear, vaginal mucosa epithelial cells, dairy cows, cycle estrus, detection

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