Assistance Technology of Livestock Development Area in East Nusa Tenggara
sophia Ratnawati(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Technological mentoring for beef cattle production had been held on East Nusa Tenggara from 2015 to 2016 on four districts: (1) South Timor Tengah; (2) North Timor Tengah; (3) Belu; and (4) Malaka. Study object are: (1) farmers raising livestock and cattle, (2) business partners, and (3) local governments as policy makers in overcoming problems in the livestock subsector. Mentoring in four district is not the same, because it is need to be adjusted for each of area demand and farmer condition with several steps: (1) livestock technical training; (2) technological innovation demonstration through demonstration plot, including pilot unit for disseminating technology; (3) initiators and facilitators group meetings; and (4) dissemination media dissemination in the form of posters. There had been 13 farmer groups with 20 to 25 people each in nine villages from seven sub-districts originally from four districts following mentoring program for 2 years. The More area can be handled, the better because it will imply more farmer to adopt technology for beef cattle production.
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