Phenotypic Characteristics Of Doro Ncanga Swamp Buffalo Reared Extensively on the Native Savannah of Tambora Dompu Regency

Chairussyuhur Arman(1*)

(1) Mataram University
(*) Corresponding Author


Phenotypic characteristics are important in breed identification and classification. This study was undertaken to characterized phenotypically Doro Ncanga swamp buffalo on the native savannah of Mt. Tambora. A total of 3 measurements, i.e. body length (BL), height at withers (HW) and heart girth (HG) were collected on 693 female and 279 male buffaloes kept extensively in Manggelewa, Kempo and Dompu District, Dompu Regency. The data were classified on the basis of age group and sex. The morphometric characteristics observed in the present study suggested that for female buffaloes: no significant different (p>0.05) of BL, HW and HG of calves in the three districts was observed. The BL of heifers in Dompu was longer (p>0.05) than that in Kempo. Similarly for cows, BL recorded in Manggelewa was longer (p>0.05) than that in Dompu. However, the differences in HW for cows reared in all districts were not significant (p>0.05). Except for HG, cows in Manggelewa were greater than that of Kempo and Dompu (p<0.05). Measurements of BL, HW, HG in both old and aged cows did not indicate any significant differences (p>0.05) among the three locations. For male buffaloes, the study recorded that BL and HW in calves were found to be non significant (p>0.05). Conversely, HG of calves in Dompu was greater (p<0.05) than that in Kempo and Manggelewa; the differences in HG in the two latter districts were also significant (p<0.05). In the case of young bulls, BL noted in Manggelewa was significantly (p<0.05) longer than in Dompu. The study also found higher (p<0.05) HW of young bulls in Kempo and Manggelewa than that in Dompu. In conclusion, the parameters examided varied both across the age groups and locations. It seems that the more age of the animals the greater their body size.



Swamp buffalo; Characterization; Morphometric Measurements

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