LQR Tuning Using AIS for Frequency Oscillation Damping


Muhammad Abdillah(1*), Teguh Aryo Nugroho(2), Herlambang Setiadi(3)

(1) Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Industrial Technology Universitas Pertamina
(2) Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Industrial Technology Universitas Pertamina
(3) Department of Engineering Faculty of Vocational Universitas Airlangga
(*) Corresponding Author


Commonly, primary control, i.e. governor, in the generation unit had been employed to stabilize the change of frequency due to the change of electrical load during system operation. But, the drawback of the primary control was it could not return the frequency to its nominal value when the disturbance was occurred. Thus, the aim of the primary control was only stabilizing the frequency to reach its new value after there were load changes. Therefore, the LQR control is employed as a supplementary control called Load Frequency Control (LFC) to restore and keep the frequency on its nominal value after load changes occurred on the power system grid. However, since the LQR control parameters were commonly adjusted based on classical or Trial-Error Method (TEM), it was incapable of obtaining good dynamic performance for a wide range of operating conditions and various load change scenarios. To overcome this problem, this paper proposed an Artificial Immune System (AIS) via clonal selection to automatically adjust the weighting matrices, Q and R, of LQR related to various system operating conditions changes. The efficacy of the proposed control scheme was tested on a two-area power system network. The obtained simulation results have shown that the proposed method could reduce the settling time and the overshoot of frequency oscillation, which is better than conventional LQR optimal control and without LQR optimal control.


Governor; LQR; LFC; AIS

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijitee.51192

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