Rancang Bangun Sistem Pencampur Bahan Minuman Bersoda Berdasarkan Kadar Keasaman Berbasis PLC OMRON CP1H-XA40DR-A

Rindi Kusumawardani(1*), Raden Sumiharto(2)
(2) Jurusan IlmuKomputerdanElektronika, FMIPA UGM
(*) Corresponding Author
The automation of soft drinks mixing ingredients systems is based on PLC by OMRON with serial number CP1H-XA40DR-A. This system equipped with eTape height sensor to detect height of the fluid, motor washer to pump the fluid, pH electrode PE-03 sensor to read the acidity.
The results of this study is a soft drinks mixing ingredients systems that automatically mixes the fluid according to the pH input by user. There are a range of acidity options available in this system, pH 4 to pH 6. The accuracy of the fluid mixing process is equal to 98,45%.
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