Pengaruh Latar Belakang Warna pada Objek Gambar terhadap Hasil Ekstraksi Sinyal EEG

Catur Atmaji(1*), Zandy Yudha Perwira(2)

(1) Department of Computer Science and Electronics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


In this study, observation on the differences in features quality of EEG records as a result of training on subjects has been made. The features of EEG records were extracted using two different methods, the root mean square which is acquired from the range between 0.5 and 5 seconds and the average of power spectrum estimation from the frequency range between 20 and 40Hz. All of the data consists of a 4-channel recording and produce good quality classification on artificial neural network, with each of which generates training data accuracy over 90%. However, different results are occured when the trained system is tested on other test data. The test results show that the two systems which are trained using training data with object with color background produce higher accuracy than the other two systems which are trained using training data with object without background color, 63.98% and 60.22% compared to 59.68% and 56.45% accuracy respectively. From the use of the features on the artificial neural network classification system, it can be concluded that the training system using EEG data records derived from the visualization of object with color background produces better features than the visualization of object without color background.


EEG, visual evoked potential, color effect, feature extraction

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