Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan FEB Undip Berdasarkan Harapan dan Persepsi Pemustaka dengan Metode LibQUAL

Endang Fatmawati(1*)
(1) Undip
(*) Corresponding Author
Library quality services evaluation is an important activity for acadernic libraries. This research is to evaluate service quality library at Economica and Business Faculty of Diponegoro University base on desired and perceived of users with LibQUAL methods. The aims to measurement library service qualityfrom desired and perceived users, and to know service library dimensions don't fullfill desired and perceived users. Quality is defined as "capability" - how good is the library? LibQUAL is effective total survey market to contact research in library to evaluation library quality service. Assessment based on perceived, minimum expectations, and desired. LibQUAL method gives users a chance to tell library where library services need improvement so it can respond to and better manage their expectations. Dimensions in LibQUAL consist of: Service Affect (SA), Library as Place (LP), Personal Control (PC), and Information Access (IA). Population is taken from Diploma III Program; Regular I, and Reguler II students, year 2009/2010 with proporsional stratified random sampling and the total sample is 81 respondents. This research used quantitative method with sumey and evaluation research. Users were asked to complete a questionnaire. Analyze its to know average perceived, minimum, and desired. The distance of the perceived score from the minimum score (P - M) creates a adequacy gap, and from the desired score (P – I) creates a superiority gap. The result shows that library service quality is fuffill minimum expectation of users. This means users had "enough satisfaction" with service perceived.
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