Librarian role in research library services in Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Slamet Riyanto(1*), Ekawati Marlina(2), Hermin Triasih(3)
(1) Indonesian Institute of Sciences
(2) Indonesian Institute of Sciences
(3) Indonesian Institute of Sciences
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction.In a research library, researchers are the main players, while . librarians should be the partners in conducting research even though this combination rarely happens. In general, librarians are only involved in a part of research activities as their research assistants to carry out some administrative stuffs, such as distributing questionnaires and sending invitation letters, instead of designing a research plan and/or somequestionnaires or doing data analyses.
Data Collection Method. We interviewed librarians in the Center for Political Studies, Research Center for Economic, Center for Science and Technology Development, and Center for Scientific Documentation and Information of Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta.
Data Analyses. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis methods, through the direct interview, where data categorized by using open coding.
Results and Discussions.The results stated that 86.7% of respondents had ever been involved in research activities carried out by the research center in the same or different units. From that result, 53.3% respondents ever engaged research activities up to 5 times in a year. In the other hands, librarians who answer conduct independent research and are often involved in the research are 13% respondents. Some recommendations figured out from this research are (1) a librarian could be a plagiarism examiner for a research proposal, (2) a librarian must be literated in information technologies, (3) a librarian should be involved in examining a literature review of the proposal and writing the manuscripts.
Conclusions.The role of a librarian is not just as a research assistant or a data collector but as a research buddy who could help addressing some documentative problems.
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