Kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan profesional informasi di Indonesia selama tahun 2015-2017 dalam membangun profesionalisme

Laksmi Laksmi(1*)
(1) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction. This study identifies training activities for librarians and archivists in relation to professionalism for the development of learning society. The research aims to explore the training potentials in Indonesia between 2015-2017.
Data Collection Method. The paper used quantitative method with samples of training advertisements and reports on the online media.
Analysis Data. The collected data was tabulated into the table, calculated by the tally method.
Results and Discussions. The implementation of training reached 239 times in various regions in Indonesia. The organizers are dominated by PNRI and ANRI. There is a balance between library and archive management topics, as well as an improvement of the implementation, creative content, and methods of training. The organizers and the trainers support each other to create content materials to meet the society needs.
Conclusions. The understanding of the importance of working in a responsible manner, based on the knowledge and awareness to continuously improve the competence of the librarian and archivist, increased. However, the material should be improved to better achieve critical thinking skills. The paper suggests improving archival, research materials, and soft skills.
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