Analisis hubungan prestasi akademik mahasiswa dengan akses sumber informasi

Prijana Prijana(1), Andri Yanto(2*)
(1) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
(2) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction. In the process of reading, students require different information sources to increase their academic achievement. This paper aims to examine information sources which have a relationship with students academic achievement and become a reference in the development of information sources to support student academic achievement.
Method. The research used an experimental study, with N = 38. Based on the value of chi-square of 11,613, a P-value of 0.169 with α = 0.25; df = 8, and the chi-quadrat table = 10.2. It showed that chi-quadrat count (11.6) is more than chi-quadrat table (10.2). If chi-quadrat counts more than chi-quadrat table, the student academic achievement has a significant relationship with access to information sources.
Results and Discussions. The results showed that students' academic achievements have a significant relationship with access to information sources. The behavior of students in accessing information sources had moderate degrees of relationship with their academic achievement, which means that there is no dominant information source used by the students related to their academic achievement.
Conclusion. In this study, students prefer to choose multi-acsess information resources, resulting in the spread of the values of the normal curve to the shape of academic achievements. Further research should discuss students' reading ability towards the use of information sources.
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