Profil Literasi Informasi Pustakawan Indonesia

Arief Wicaksono(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Information literacy is one of the competencies of the library profession. Information literacy is needed in the work of librarianship. Reference service, the key determinant of library status in the society, requires competencies in information literacy. The purpose of this study is to find out how librarians in Indonesia meet the requirement of information literacy competencies and what factors affect the mastery of information literacy. This study is a qualitative research with literature survey. Based on the existing literature, the hypothesis was developed that librarians of Indonesia have information literacy skills if their personal development are supported by both internal and external factors. Internal factors comprise motivation (encouragement of work, efforts to achieve success, material and non-material motivation), attitudes towards the profession (job satisfaction, professional satisfaction, and organizational commitment), and other knowledge-skill-attitude (knowledge, computer literacy, digital literacy, and English language skills), educational background, and level of education. While external factors include availability of computers and Internet network, library policy to support the development of information literacy of librarians.


information literacy; librarians; reference service

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