SCOPUS Citation Analysis

Source: SCOPUS Database
Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems (IJEIS) is cited at least 4 times at Scopus database

Citation detail:

  • 2014 <1>
  • 2013 <2>
  • 2012 <1>

Update August 27, 2017, 15:32 PM GMT+7 | First published in 2011

1.Dharmawan, A., Y. Y. Simanungkalit, and N. Y. Megawati. "Pemodelan Sistem Kendali PID Pada Quadrotor Dengan Metode Euler Lagrange." IJEIS-Indones.J.Electron.Instrum.Syst. 4.1 (2014): 13-24. SCOPUS. Web. 4 Mar. 2017.

  1. PRIYAMBODO, T.K., DHARMAWAN, A. and PUTRA, A.E., 2016. PID self tuning control based on Mamdani fuzzy logic control for quadrotor stabilization, AIP Conference Proceedings 2016.

2.Haniah Putra, E. A. "Purwarupa Portable GPS." IJEIS (2013)SCOPUS. Web. 4 Mar. 2017.

  1. ANISAH, M., TAQWA, A., AMPERAWAN, EVELINA and RASYAD, S., 2015. Global positioning system and global system for mobile communication modem application as car position and fuel monitoring system. Jurnal Teknologi, 77(22), pp. 79-85.

3.Mardhiyah, A., and A. Harjoko. "Metode Segmentasi Paru-Paru Dan Jantung Pada Citra X-Ray Thorax." IJEIS - Indonesian J.of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems 1 (2013): 41. SCOPUS. Web. 4 Mar. 2017.

  1. BILQIS, A. and WIDITA, R., 2016. Comparison of segmentation using fast marching and geodesic active contours methods for bone. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 694(1),.

4.Awaludin, L., A. Harjoko, and R. Sumiharto. "Pemrosesan Video Pendeteksi Kecepatan Dan Ketinggian Aliran Lahar Dingin Pendukung Sistem Peringatan Dini." IJEIS, vol. 2, no. 2, 2012, pp. 187-198, SCOPUS,

  1. Harjoko, A., L. Awaludin, and R. M. Hujja. The Flow Rate of Debris Estimation on the Sabo Dam Area with Video Processing, 2017, SCOPUS,, doi:10.1109/ICSIGSYS.2017.7967069.